Friday, 3 February 2012

Battery tester report


Electronic design is one of the major subjects that forwarding the skills of using the PROTEUS 7.1 version and imply to the board exactly until it will produce an output that desired followed by the sequence step like print the design’s circuit, film process, drill the negative with CNC Machine, etching process and soldering for finally step.
For this semester, I’m needed to solve a design of electronic circuit where it must to fulfill of acceptance with both party, which mean between me and client. The project name is BATTERY TESTER.

Roughly, the objective of this project is to develop an electronic design which inculcates analytical thinking and know how to operate both software that involved in order solving problem based on real application environment. This Battery tester’s project will be applied several of electronic components and achieved a input where it must differentiate a voltage between 9.5 dcV until 13.5 dcV .  


Battery tester.
 It is desired to design a project that comports the basic knowledge of electronic. The product is a car battery tester (12V). The product is already available in the market with a cost of around RM60 and a return price of RM12. Labor charge is included.
I’m proposing to study the given layout circuit diagram and achieve the same functionality of available product with a return price of RM8 including the labor charge.

1                   List of expectation (list of tasks);
This is a list that presents a basic description of the product’s function. The list is set after a discussion between clients and my company. The list is organized in a contract form. It presents the characteristic of my product that should be fulfilled by the designer so that the client accept to buy, in other words, it will be satisfy both party in term of functionality.
Notice: if the product fails to fulfill at least one point from the list expectation, the client has the right to refuse buy the product and face the designer and the company with a heavy penalty.
1.      The product function as a car battery tester and car alternator for a standard car (car battery is usually 12Vdc).
2.      The product informs the user with the following information ;
a)        The battery is totally discharge (the voltage between poles is less than 9.5V).
b)        The battery is partially discharge (the voltage between the battery poles is between 9.5V and 11V).
c)        The battery is normally charged (the voltage between the battery poles is between 11V and 13V).
d)        The vehicle is in motion, the alternator provides a sufficient current and the voltage between the battery poles is superior to 13.5V. (It does not exceed 15V).
3.      The product should process testing points and a connector that permits the diagnosis of the circuit during the fabrication phase.

The practical work;
The design is organized o five basic modules that are imperatively obeyed;
1.      Study the list of expectation.
2.      Prepare functional critical analysis of the given solution by decoupling the project to functional block, listing their component, placing of the related block with respect to the general circuit diagram of the project.
3.      Study and design each functional block separately.
4.      Compose the measurement table, which include my result, stress on the method that you choose to test each functional block. Compare my result with the list of expectation list.
5.      Conclusion on the mentioned results and suggest the possible upgrading methods.
Note: An important attention should be given to the testing phases and the used tools for these testing    (table of theoretical value, table of measurement, comparison between the measured reading and the theoretical value.)

Software (ISIS 7 & ARES 7), PCB Negative Board, CNC Driller Machine, Accubalet, Blue Film, Green Film, UV Light Machine, Potassium Carbonate, Etching Prelim Chloride, Stripper, PCB Cutter, Laminate Machine.
1 X Connector
1 X 7805 Positive Power Supply Regulators
6 X Resistors (3k, 3k6, 9k1, 8k2, 15k & 10k)
3 X LM741 Operational Amplifier (OP-AMP)
3 X Base for LM741

kamal ahmad

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